Union County Prevention Hub

Building resilient communities
For youth and families to thrive in a safe and healthy environment, communities must address the numerous risk factors that lead to the early use of alcohol and other drugs, often the first step on a path to a substance use disorder.
The statewide system of Prevention Hubs provides evidence-based prevention education, interventions, strategies, and programs to support all sectors of our community, including youth, parents, schools, law enforcement, faith-based organizations, etc.
The Prevention Hub of Union County is hosted by Prevention Links and connects residents and professionals with prevention resources and services, building resilience in our local communities.

Union County Prevention Warmline
The warmline provides a clear connection to prevention programs for youth and families, as well as help navigating local and state family support services being offered by the Union County Prevention Hub and beyond. Trained staff are available on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To speak with a warmline staff member, call us at (732)-381-4100 or email prevention@preventionlinks.org
If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Any
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Union County residents seeking resources

The Union County Helping Hands 365 Helpline (UCHH 365) is a clear connection point for individuals engaging in harmful substance use, and their loved ones, to access recovery and/or harm reduction support, and recovery support resources. Trained peer recovery specialists are available 24/7, seven days a week, on our toll-free helpline 1-855-825-3275.
You can also use the helpline to arrange free transportation to treatment! If you are a Union County resident and need a ride to treatment, whether that be detox, residential, IOP, PHP, or sober housing, call the helpline and stay on the road to recovery.
If you are experiencing an emergency please call 911.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Any
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Individuals with a substance use disorder seeking recovery support and/or individuals seeking support for their loved ones
Individual and Family Prevention

PreVenture is an evidence-based prevention program that uses personality-targeted interventions to promote mental health and skill development and delay youth substance use. PreVenture is designed to help at-risk youth learn useful coping skills, set long-term goals, and channel their personality toward achieving them.
Contact Community Prevention at prevention@preventionlinks.org or call 732-381-4100
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 12-17
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Middle and High Schools
- Number of Sessions: 4

Cannabis Education
Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is the most commonly used addictive drug after tobacco and alcohol. We’re here to help educate families with the most recent scientific data regarding cannabis use, and how cannabis use impacts our communities.
Contact Community Prevention at prevention@preventionlinks.org or call 732-381-4100
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 12+
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Middle School, High School, Community Organizations, Workplaces
- Number of Sessions: One-time presentation, classroom or assembly style available

Strengthening Families
The Strengthening Families Program is a fun 14-week evidence-based program that teaches effective communication techniques: insight on clear communication, effective discipline, resisting peer pressure and dealing with stress. Caregivers and children participate both separately and together, and family dinner is provided to give the caregivers and youth the chance to sit, eat, and talk together.
Contact Community Prevention at prevention@preventionlinks.org or call 732-381-4100
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Families with children ages 6-11 or 7-17 (separate groups)
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Families
- Number of Sessions: 14

Safe Disposal Initiatives
These campaigns provide information about responsible medication disposal and list prescription drop box locations around Union County. There are 18 drop boxes throughout the 21 municipalities. Reach out to us if you need information about disposing of your medication safely.
Contact: Jess Stuart – jstuart@preventionlinks.org
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Any age
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: People looking to dispose of medications

We’ve curated and sourced numerous toolkits to keep our community members informed and educated on important prevention topics.
Adult, Youth, and Family Recovery Programs

Recovery Centers
Our Recovery Centers provide peer-to-peer support to prevent the recurrence of substance use disorder and promote sustained recovery for your entire journey. We are an inclusive community, where you will find confidence, friendship, and purpose.

Family Support Center
The Family Support Center offers support, education, resources, and advocacy. Our goal is to provide compassionate support, empower family members and friends to improve their quality of life, and gain skills necessary to cope with their loved one’s substance use.
Contact: Recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org or call 732-381-4100
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 18+
- Location: Union and Middlesex Counties
- Who Might Be Interested: Family or loved one of a person experiencing substance use disorder

Family Support Meeting
Our Family Support Coordinator is trained in the Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT) model which teaches self-care and non-confrontational strategies to motivate their loved one to seek recovery.
We offer peer family support in-person and by phone, support and education on navigating recovery, help with understanding how to support a loved one’s recovery, and a weekly support group meeting.
Our group meets every Thursday at 7 p.m. on Zoom. We also host one meeting in person each month. This is a closed meeting, so please reach out to us if you’re interested in attending. We look forward to meeting you!
If you have a loved one struggling with substance use and are ready for support, please call our Union County Helping Hands 365 24/7 helpline at: (855) 825-3275 or email us at recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org

Union County STAR Case Management Program
This program provides non-clinical case management and peer recovery support. STAR assists with common obstacles related to recovery such as homelessness, incarceration, legal issues, employment, education, transportation, healthcare, documentation, and more. The STAR team has a wonderful relationship with facilities across the state with access to detox, rehab, intensive outpatient services, and medication-assisted treatment.
Contact Information: Phone: 732-381-4100, Email: recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: 18+
- County: Union
- Criteria: Those with a current or previous history of opioid or stimulant use disorder

Workforce Support Program
This program helps individuals in recovery or actively engaging in substance use to become gainfully employed in the careers of their choosing. Participants are provided with a non-clinical case manager as well as a peer recovery specialist. Please contact us at recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org or call our 24/7 helpline at 1-855-825-3275.
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: Adults
- County: Union
- Criteria: Anyone at any stage of the recovery process

Transportation to Treatment
We provide free, safe, and confidential transportation to treatment for people in Union County with a substance use disorder. If you are a Union County resident and in need of transportation to treatment, whether that be detox, residential, IOP, PHP, recovery meetings, or sober housing, we are here to help.
Contact Information: Phone: 1-855-825-3275, Email: transportation@preventionlinks.org
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: 18+
- County: Union
- Criteria: Union County residents with a substance use disorder

Prevention Connections Case Management
Our team provides non-clinical Intensive Recovery Case Management with a Case Manager to help individuals sustain long-term recovery by increasing their recovery capital. Case managers assist with common obstacles related to recovery such as homelessness, incarceration, legal issues, employment, education, transportation, healthcare, documentation, and more.
The Prevention Connections Program is a Union County Initiative that is offered to its residents who are seeking recovery assistance for their substance use disorder with alcohol and other drugs.
Contact Information: Phone: 732-381-4100, Email: recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: 18+
- County: Union
- Criteria: Union County residents with an active substance use disorder and an interest in recovery

Harm Reduction Services
Our team provides a variety of harm reduction services whether that be distributions of naloxone, wound care, safe sex and drug testing kits, naloxone training or presentations on various harm reduction, stigma reduction, and recovery support topics. Get in touch with us to learn more.
Contact Information: Phone: 908-293-8333, Email: riseupcc@preventionlinks.org
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: 18+
- County: Union
- Criteria: Union County residents

Raymond J. Lesniak ESH Recovery High School
Established in 2014, the Raymond J. Lesniak Experience, Strength and Hope Recovery High School is an Alternative High School for students who have endured substance use-related issues and are looking for a self-contained, public school, conducive to meeting the needs of their education and recovery.
Eligibility Requirements
- Age: High School Students
- County: Union, Middlesex, Hudson, Essex, Morris, Somerset, Passaic, & Hunterdon Counties
- Criteria: Students must be referred by their home district
Elizabethport Community Center
The Center engages community members of all ages with educational, recreational, and self-sufficiency opportunities and professional development. It has programs, services, and facilities that act as a catalyst for positive youth development and a stronger community.
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The Sober Truth On Preventing Underage Drinking program (STOP) provides youth with substance misuse prevention strategies and focuses primarily on underage drinking. Youth are focused on creating a media campaign to address relevant underage drinking issues in their community. Registration must be completed through the school liaison and our youth program coordinator.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Youth 12+
- Location: Elizabethport, Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Youth 12+
- Number of Sessions: 2 different sessions during the school year
An after-school program that provides youth with substance abuse prevention strategies. The program is focused on all illicit substances.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Youth 11-17
- Location: Elizabethport, Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Youth 11-17
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
OCOF Coalition’s Mission is to engage, advocate, inform, and bring awareness of substance misuse through education, prevention, enforcement, and action to build a safe and drug-free community amongst our youth population.
Our monthly meetings, workshops, training, and community events are open to all residents of Elizabeth and Union County.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Youth 11-17
- Location: Elizabethport, Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Youth 11-17
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
This monthly meeting is focused on promoting programs and services in the community, making outreach to other local organizations, and sharing knowledge about services and needs in the community.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Adults
- Location: Elizabethport, Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Community providers, school administrators and local community leaders
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
Learn about a balanced diet, eating healthy on a budget, what nutrition labels mean, and more, including social skills, opportunities for the senior population, and community connection for the program participants.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 55+
- Location: Elizabeth, NJ
- Who Might Be Interested: Older adults living in Elizabeth, NJ
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
The Wellness Initiative for Senior Education Program (WISE) is a wellness and prevention program for older adults to help them celebrate healthy aging, make healthy lifestyle choices, and avoid substance misuse.
Each week, our seniors gather in this small group to learn about things like nutrition, stress management, medication management, and other health & wellness topics. Our goal is to provide them with practical tools that they can use in everyday life to live LONGER, HEALTHIER lives.
When our WISE graduates walk away from this program, they have newfound knowledge about how their bodies age, how aging affects their ability to drink and take drugs safely, how to recognize early signs of mental health issues, how to implement a healthier lifestyle, and most importantly – how to feel empowered in their ability to take control of their own health.
Contact: eport@preventionlinks.org or 908.570.5815Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 60+
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Older adults living in Union County
- Number of Sessions: 6
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Adults
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Elizabeth residents who meet HUD income criteria
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Adults
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: All community members
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Adults
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: All community members
- Number of Sessions: Ongoing
Rise Up Community Center
We are here to provide harm reduction and recovery support services to Union County residents in need of community support. Our services will support participants to increase recovery capital while embracing and empowering them to find support that is effective.
This program provides non-clinical case management and peer recovery support. STAR assists with common obstacles related to recovery such as homelessness, incarceration, legal issues, employment, education, transportation, healthcare, documentation, and more. The STAR team has a wonderful relationship with facilities across the state with access to detox, rehab, intensive outpatient services, and medication-assisted treatment.
Contact Information: Phone: 732-381-4100, Email: recoverysupport@preventionlinks.orgEligibility Criteria
- Age: 18+
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Those with a current or previous history of opioid or stimulant use disorder
Our team provides non-clinical Intensive Recovery Case Management with a Case Manager to help individuals sustain long-term recovery by increasing their recovery capital. Case managers assist with common obstacles related to recovery such as homelessness, incarceration, legal issues, employment, education, transportation, healthcare, documentation, and more.
The Prevention Connections Program is a Union County Initiative that is offered to its residents who are seeking recovery assistance for their substance use disorder with alcohol and other drugs.
Contact Information: Phone: 732-381-4100, Email: recoverysupport@preventionlinks.orgEligibility Criteria
- Age: 18+
- Location: Union County
- Criteria: Union County residents with an active substance use disorder and an interest in recovery
This program helps individuals in recovery or actively engaging in substance use to become gainfully employed in the careers of their choosing. Participants are provided with a non-clinical case manager as well as a peer recovery specialist.
Contact Information: recoverysupport@preventionlinks.org or call our 24/7 helpline at 1-855-825-3275.Eligibility Criteria
- Age: Adults
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Anyone at any stage of the recovery process
Our team provides a variety of harm reduction services whether that be distributions of naloxone, wound care, safe sex and drug testing kits, naloxone training or presentations on various harm reduction, stigma reduction, and recovery support topics. Get in touch with us to learn more.
Contact Information: Phone: 908-293-8333, Email: riseupcc@preventionlinks.orgEligibility Criteria
- Age: 18+
- Location: Union County
- Who Might Be Interested: Union County residents

This project was supported by SABG Covid Supplement Grant TI083538 and the American Rescue Plan Act from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of SAMHSA or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).