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SMART Recovery – Virtual

Zoom Zoom ID: 8407 0450 224

SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Smart Recovery offers a non-spiritual solution for addiction, and is a popular alternative, or supplement, to the more spiritually focused 12-steps programs. SMART can help you: build and maintain motivation; cope with urges; manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and live a balanced life.

SMART Recovery – Virtual

Zoom Zoom ID: 8407 0450 224

SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Smart Recovery offers a non-spiritual solution for addiction, and is a popular alternative, or supplement, to the more spiritually focused 12-steps programs. SMART can help you: build and maintain motivation; cope with urges; manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and live a balanced life.

SMART Recovery – Virtual

Zoom Zoom ID: 8407 0450 224

SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Smart Recovery offers a non-spiritual solution for addiction, and is a popular alternative, or supplement, to the more spiritually focused 12-steps programs. SMART can help you: build and maintain motivation; cope with urges; manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and live a balanced life.

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