Family Services
We want the best for your family.
That’s why we operate five Family Success Centers (FSCs) and provide a number of parenting programs to give families a range of valuable resources. Our goal is to prevent crisis before it can begin, leading to happier childhoods, stronger families, and brighter futures.
Family Success Centers
FSCs are neighborhood gathering places throughout Hudson, Middlesex, and Union counties — local, home-like environments where families can come together for activities that increase resilience and promote connection with each other, and where any community resident can go for support, information, and services.
Learn MorePrevention for Families
Available throughout Union, Huson and Middlesex Counties, these programs work with caregivers and children alike and can be facilitated at schools, community centers, our Family Success Centers, and many other school or community settings. We have parenting programs for any stage of family life!
Learn MoreEvents
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
NJ Snap Asisstance (Per Appointment)
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Active Parenting: The First Five Years
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm