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Location: Rise Up Community Center

Film Friday

Rise Up Community Center 120 W 7th St, Suite 201, Plainfield, United States

You're welcome to join us at the center for a cheesy, classic horror film!

Talk, Listen, Protect: A Parent’s Role in Substance Use Prevention

Rise Up Community Center 120 W 7th St, Suite 201, Plainfield, United States

This is for you, Parents! How do we pay attention to what we do not know? What do I do now that I know? Join in on this series where we will work together and engage with each other on the topic of prevention. It STARTS, with us! Let us save our kids from Substance... Read more »

Movement & Music

Rise Up Community Center 120 W 7th St, Suite 201, Plainfield, United States

Standing or seated exercises and stretches to different themed music each session. Country music day, 80s dance day, 70s Rock and Roll Day, Jazz day, Latin dance day and Hip Hop and R&B day.

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