Recovery Dharma Meeting – Middlesex County
Vision of Hope Recovery Center 97 Bayard, St Suite 201, New Brunswick, NJ, United StatesLearn more about Recovery Dharma
Learn more about Recovery Dharma
This meeting is based off of watching a 5-15 minute video on YouTube from thought provoking, inspiration and educational channels. After watching the video, we then go around to discuss the meeting discussing what each person got out of the video.
Learn about a balanced diet, eating healthy on a budget, what do nutrition labels mean, and More; including social skills opportunities for the senior population and community connection for the program participants. For more information, call (908)-570-5815
Attend this training to learn how to use the opioid overdose reversal medication NALOXONE/ NARCAN. Recognize the signs of an overdose and how to respond effectively.
An alternative to 12-step meetings, “All Recovery” meetings welcome all who struggle with addiction, are affected by addiction, or support the recovery lifestyle. We support all pathways to recovery, meaning that all addictions are welcome. All recovery is a safe space for people to feel safe and supported during all stages of recovery. This session... Read more »
We will read the daily message from the Just For Today book and then go around the group discussing what we think about or got out of the reading for the day.
Join us after school for homework help and more! Registration here: For more information, call (908)-570-5815
Need help with Homework? Reviewing for a test? completing a science project? practice your spelling, math, reading; homework club will be hosted on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS time: 3:30pm - 4:30pm. refreshments are provided for students! ideal for students from 1st - 6th grade! parents must sign in and out when dropping students! Parents must complete... Read more »
Learning new skills to cope with old problems related to your loved one’s substance use behavior. ZOOM ID: 86551364211
After school program provide youth with substance abuse prevention strategies. The program is focuses on all illicit substances. To Be Me is To Be Drug Free program is for youth ages 11-17.
The Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training (CRAFT) is an evidence-based method that emphasizes learning new skills to cope with old problems related to your loved one's substance use behavior.
SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. Smart Recovery offers a non-spiritual solution for addiction, and is a popular alternative, or supplement, to the more spiritually focused 12-steps programs. SMART can help you: build and maintain motivation; cope with urges; manage thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and live a balanced life. ZOOM ID: 840704502241